学生支援小组 & 行为干预小组

学生支援小组 (SST) Summary of Purpose 

The 学生支援小组’s purpose is to:

  1. Serve to support and educate students, 教师 and staff about harm prevention and wellness based topics.
  2. 向有需要的学生通报学院和社区的PG电子APP.
  3. 为学院提供性暴力方面的教育和预防活动, 毒品和酒精教育, 心理健康.
  4. Participate in a number of other College initiatives, 包括参与新生体验和政策撰写(如第九条), 毒品和酒精).
  5. 监控向团队报告的学生问题,作为一种积极主动的方法,平衡可能处于危机中的学生的需求和校园社区的整体安全.

行为干预小组 (BIT) Summary of Purpose

必要时,学院成员将开会讨论学生关心的问题. The purpose of BIT may encompass:

  • Consultation with Program Director, 教师, or other members of the PG电子APP community on any student issue(s).
  • Gathering pertinent information regarding a student issue.
  • 评估信息,并作为联络人获取社区PG电子APP,以解决学生问题.
  • Determine protocol regarding follow up for the student issue and/or concern.
  • Ensure a plan is developed with the student.
  • Be responsible for information feedback appropriate parties.

*The BIT process does not replace 教师 classroom management, 纪律程序, and/or public safety responses to incidents.

如果您有您之前推荐的学生的其他信息, 请提供更新



作为PG电子APP社区的一员,学生的福利是每个人的责任. 尽早报告问题可以保护学生,并为社区提供保障. 我们强烈要求你报告任何可能被视为对PG电子APP社区的一个或多个成员的担忧或威胁的行为. SST和BIT的有效性取决于你对社会的承诺.



下面的行为可以作为指导,帮助您辨别是否要完成一个 学生转介表格 you are encouraged to trust your intuition. 如果你的直觉告诉你有些事情是错的,不要忽视它——报告它. You don’t need to wait for tangible proof. If you have a relationship with the individual, check-in with him/her to give you a better sense of the situation. 以下是一些你可能会观察到的问题的例子,或者实际上是与学生讨论的问题,这些问题可能需要学生推荐表:


  • A dramatic change in energy level
  • A dramatic increase in rate of speech
  • Worrisome changes in hygiene or personal appearance
  • 体重显著变化
  • Noticeable cuts, bruises, or burns
  • 有自伤行为
  • Frequent state of alcohol intoxication
  • Falling asleep in class or during other inappropriate times
  • 古怪的行为


  • Inappropriate emotional outbursts
  • Increase in irritability (easily annoyed or angered)
  • Increase in negative or self-deprecating talk
  • Expression of hopelessness, fear, worthlessness, suicide or death
  • Expression of distress, family problems, and other personal difficulties
  • Exaggerated personality traits; for example, more withdrawn or more animated than usual
  • 思维紊乱
  • Hyper vigilant or easily startled
  • 自杀意念
  • 表达对他人的威胁


  • Deterioration in quality/quantity of work
  • 错过作业或考试
  • 重复的缺席
  • Disorganized or erratic performance
  • 课堂热情下降
  • Sending  frequent, lengthy, “ranting” or threatening types of emails
  • Continual seeking of exceptions to deadlines

It is possible that any one of these examples, 本身, may simply mean that an individual is having an “off” day. However, if you continue to be concerned or unsure, please complete a 学生转介表格. 任何一个严重的例子或一组小的例子都需要干预.

注:如果学生的行为对你或他人构成迫在眉睫的威胁, 立即拨打911.



The best way to help is to do something. 如果你对接近你所关心的人感到不自在,请完成 学生转介表格. If you are comfortable approaching the person, please consider the following as conversation starters:

  • “I’m concerned about you and noticed you haven’t been ____________.  你感觉怎么样??”  Individuals in distress want understanding and care.  带着尊重倾听. 
  • “What would be helpful to you right now?” 
  • “谁能帮助你??  谁通常帮助你??”
  • “我能帮什么忙??“然而, try not to be the sole lifeline for the individual; get assistance and/or seek out resources even if it means breaking a confidence.
  • “Are you thinking about hurting yourself?”
  • “你想过自杀吗??  你会怎么做呢?” Asking about suicide does NOT put the idea in people’s minds.
  • “How would you feel about talking with a counselor?  我们现在就打电话吧.”
    National Suicide Prevention Lifeline-1.800.273.聊天(8255)


  • 不要承诺对对方的自杀/自残想法保密.
  • 不要离开那个人.
  • Do not suggest drugs and/or alcohol as a solution.



教职员工应立即通知其主管或副校长, 如果主任不在的话, 任何有关的情况. 完成一个 学生转介表格 and provide a summary of the situation and other pertinent information. 在这份总结报告中, please provide observations of: 1) other’s reactions to the situation, 2)任何威胁或警告, and/or 3) any disturbing written and/or verbal statements.


What happens after a report has been submitted?

Once you click the submit button on the 学生转介表格, 报告将自动通过电子邮件发送给学术成功主任, 谁来审核表格. 这些信息将与成功中心的协调员共享,然后由他联系学生. 成功中心的协调员分享PG电子APP和信息,具体到推荐表格中共享的问题. 然后更新有关学生的行为或不作为的信息,协调员与提交表单的人共享更新的信息.

在学生支持小组会议期间,学生问题也将被讨论. When necessary, student issues and concerns will be triaged by the SST. 对于需要更多干预的问题,行为干预小组将召开会议.

BIT委员会议定书: 如有必要,学院成员将开会讨论学生的问题或关注. The process may include the following:

  • Consultation with Program Director, 教师, 或PG电子APP社区的其他成员就任何学生问题;
  • 收集有关资料;
  • 评估信息并作为联络人获取社区PG电子APP以解决学生问题;
  • 确定谁将与相关个人联系,并确保联系发生;
  • Ensure plan is developed with individual to obtain help; and
  • 负责向项目主管和推荐教员反馈信息.

The BIT process does not replace 教师 classroom management, 纪律程序, and/or public safety responses to incidents. 


  • Recommend no action, pending further observation
  • Assist 教师 or staff in developing a plan of action
  • Refer individual to existing on-campus support resources
  • Refer individual to appropriate community resources
  • Make recommendations consistent with College policies and procedures




紧急 911
安全,内布拉斯加州 402.559.5911
校园顾问 402.552.2694
Arbor家庭咨询 1.800.922.7379(24小时热线)
WCA (Women’s Center for Advancement) 402.345.6555
心脏地带家庭服务 402.553.3000

PG电子APP遵守联邦法规根据FERPA和 Federal Trade Commission (FTC) rule under the Gramm-Leach-Bliley (GLB) Act to safeguard all student records.